Friday, July 22, 2011

Tomfoolery Report v. 2 n. 5 The Mud Slide

One sunny Friday afternoon at work, a co-worker and I decided to take a walk over to the Bento Truck that was in a parking lot down the street. The parking lot was under construction and the crew had excavated a three or four foot wide strip out of the pavement.
My co-worker jumped across it without any trouble, only a small bit of mud on his shoe. I should have jumped where he jumped.
I landed in another area on the far side and the trench tried to eat my shoe. It sunk in the mud clear up to my sock.

Over at the Bento Truck people were looking at me funny, after I explained what happened, someone said, "Oh! I thought you accidentally just wore two different shoes." Nice.

After the mud dried, I had one black shoe and one white shoe. I felt like Pee Wee Herman sporting a white shoe.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tomfoolery Report V. 2 N. 4 The Jimmer

You'll always remember where you were during 9/11, and for some of us, we'll always remember where we were when Jimmer and the BYU basketball team got closed out of the NCAA tournament. I was at Eric's apartment.

I don't remember this scenario because I'm a BYU fan, no, I remember it because Eric is a BYU fan. A huge BYU fan.

Round about halftime in the ill-fated game, Eric left for the bathroom. I heard a loud bang and figured there had been some kind of anger release in the can. Sure enough, the door felt Eric's pain. I think Jimmer felt it too...

Giving you the finger

Last fall I had to get a biopsy done of my nail bed. To get that done, they cut half your nail off. Yes, it is as unpleasant as it sounds. The first attempt consisted of a digital block- basically numbing shots into the side of your finger. (I had previously found out those don't work well on me when I tried to get fresh with my TV and wound up with a filleted finger.) Once the finger is SUPPOSED to be numb, they ram a little bar under your nail and pry it up. If you're numb, no big deal. As for me, I nearly passed out from the pain.

Thankfully they decided to try again with me under full anesthesia. It is amazing how much affect a fingernail can have. I understand why fingernail removal is used for torture. From now on when someone tells me a juicy secret, I have to say, "Your secret is safe with me, as long as no one goes after my fingernails." Or my teeth for that matter, I don't do those either.

Here is a picture, I'll post a better one at some point. Don't worry my nail is all grown back. Took about 5 months.

Tomfoolery Report V. 2 N. 3

Please remember: When you point the finger at someone, there are three more pointed back at you! (If you're thinking, "Why are there three people pointing at me?" keep mulling it over.)

If "your" going to call the world out on how "priviliged" with intelligence you are, maybe run the text by one of us simpletons to check the spelling and grammar before you make the border. Hopefully the person making the border for Mr. Smarty here got a chuckle when he asked, "You want the border to read exactly how you've written it?" "Yes, I'm calling the world out on their stupidity! Booyeah world! In your face!!"

Sadly, no surprise this is on a Chevy. ;)

Tomfoolery Report in San Francisco

With love from the big noodle in San Francisco:

Tomfoolery Report in Idaho

In honor of the recent 4th of July celebration, I'll share some memories from last year's festivities. The wife and I headed up to Idaho Falls to see the fireworks up there. We arrived WAY too early, 3 in the afternoon or so, thinking a good spot would be hard to come by. Turns out not so much. Anyhow, the fireworks were fun and we got to witness a parking lot fight, some Skinheads, and this happy couple.... Don't ask me what they were doing, some form of massage/whale rodeo/ruining 4th of July for everyone:

LG Fridge fix DIY

On the 3rd of July, our LG bottom freezer refrigerator suddenly quit working. No lights, no happy chimes reminding you that nothing new will magically appear on the shelf if you continue to stare blankly into the fridge with the door open, nothing. Luckily, we've had the fridge almost three years, so LG was off the hook two years ago. Yes folks, a one year warranty is what $1500 bucks will get you!

Anyhow, I put my Googles on, turns out this magic shutoff wasn't just the fridge's 4th of July vacation, it is a real common problem with LG fridges. There is a fuse soldered to the circuit board on the back of the fridge that blows (no pun intended). If you call LG like I did, you give them all of your personal information, then they give you a phone number of a local service shop in return. Uhhhh... you needed more than my zip code for that why?? Then, the service shop tries to sell you a whole new circuit board for $150 plus install.

Don't be a sucker! Instead go to Radio Shack and spend $7 on a fuse holder, and a pack of 250 volt 9 amp fuses. (I bought 8 amp since they didn't have 9 amp in stock, works fine.) Take the circuit board out of the fridge, un-solder the old fuse, solder in the new fuse holder, put the new fuse in, and prepare to be amazed! Hello lights! Hello happy the-door-is-open-and-you're-wasting-my-time dingy noise! Hello 150 bucks still in my wallet!

Here are some pics, so you can see the DIY rig job; the new fuse holder is in the lower left corner:

Here's a close up. You can see another fuse next to the one I replaced that is a ticking time bomb.... (The black case with the red wire is the fuse holder I installed in place of the factory fuse)